98: Susan Marrufo on Yoga, Sex and Death
May 07, 2023
Susan Marrufo has been a yoga certified instructor since 2009, when she received her first 500-hour certification in Thailand after studying the classical yogic scriptures and esoteric tantric philosophy. Susan has since completed a residential internship with the Kripalu School of Yoga, where she taught in and project managed several Kripalu yoga teacher trainings as well as received her 2nd 500-hr teacher training certification from the Kripalu School of Yoga. She is now living in Guatemala and is the founder of the Samarasa Center.
Learn more about Susan and her offerings, including Yoga, Sex & Death at https://www.samarasacenter.com/
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Keywords: yoga philosophy, asana practice, meditation techniques, anatomy and physiology, pranayama (breathing techniques), teaching methodology, yoga history, adjustments and modifications, Sanskrit, chakras and energy centers, Ayurveda and yoga, ethics and professionalism, sequencing and class planning, business of yoga, and self-care and self-study, equity, yoga therapy, community, yoga teacher training, ytt.
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