A78: Can Astrology Predict Your Future? A Fascinating Bill Gates Case Study
birth chart
vedic astrology
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This question comes up in many different ways when I do astrology readings. Questions like will we stay together? Which jobs should I pursue? Should I move to this city or that city?
At the heart of all of these questions is often a desire to use Vedic Astrology to know which choices are going...
Jeremy Devens
Quietmind Yoga & Astrology
17+ years in health & wellness. I teach Yoga and Vedic Astrology
All Categories 10 core competencies 10th house 11th house 12th house 1st house 2nd house 3 phases 3 phases of teaching yoga 3rd house 4th house 5th house 6th house 7th house 8 limbs of yoga 8th house 9th house advanced ahimsa anatomy angie knight anxiety aparigraha arm balances astrology ayurveda back back pain back strengthening backbends balance bandhas beginner beginners bhagavad gita bhakti birth chart breath burnout business career centering clarity communication consistency core covid19 creativity crow cueing dasha dharma dinacharya discipline dosha energy essential cues external rotation family fascia fb live finance flexibility flow gentle gentle yoga grounding guide guided meditation habits hamstrings handstand hatha hatha yoga health heart chakra heart opening hips holding space home hora horoscope horoscorpe houses immune system immune system health immunity injury prevention intermediate internal rotation interview inversions ishvari pranidhana jeremy devens full classes karma koshas kundalini leadership learning legs level 3 limiting beliefs love low back pain lower back mantra meditation mercury hora mercury retrograde mindfulness mini workshops moksha moon hora movement neck tension nervous system pitta planets power yoga practice practices pranayama pratiyahara prenatal purpose quantum physics quietmind astrology quietmind astrology podcast quietmind monday quietmind yoga podcast recharge relationships resources rest restorative retrograde root chakra sadhana samskaras self assessment self awareness seva shoulders side crow singing bowls sleep source texts spirituality stillness stirha sukha stomach strength strengthening subconscious sun hora support svadyaya tantra tapas teacher training teachers teaching tension transformation twists ujayi upanishads upper back upper body strength vata dosha vedic astrology venus hora vinyasa vinyasa yoga vipassana vitality wealth wheel whole body willpower year review yin yin yoga yoga yoga classes yoga history yoga nidra yoga philosophy yoga practice yoga sutra yoga teacher training yoga teacher training podcast yogic breathing