
Y159: Favorite Classes: Gentle Yoga For Nervous System Regulation + Whole Body Strength, Flexibility & Balance balance flexibility gentle yoga nervous system strength whole body

As we lead up to the next Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training I'm sharing some of my favorite classes, starting today.

Today's practice is a Gentle class for the whole body where I teach what I feel is one of the most important aspects of practice: Nervous system regulation. Being able to be more...

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Y153: Gentle Yoga For The Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest And Reset gentle yoga nervous system restorative

The source texts of yoga teach "stiruha sukha asana" to describe the postures. In each pose and in everything we do we can work towards finding a balance of effort and ease. We can apply this to the nervous system too -- there are times when we are more active and times where we are more at...

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Y146: From "Fight or Flight" to "Rest and Relax" - Gentle Yoga To Regulate Your Nervous System gentle yoga nervous system

Get the free yoga challenge: 5 Days To Build Strength, Flexibility & Balance at and get early access to a special upcoming class.

How do you get out of the "fight or flight" response when you're stuck there? How do you shift into "rest and...

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Y115: Hatha Flow & Meditation to Regulate The Central Nervous System flow hatha yoga meditation nervous system

The Quietmind Membership is now open! New weekly live classes, Monthly mini-workshops, 1-1 Feedback and mini trainings in the 10 Core Competencies of Yoga. Learn more at - $9.97/mo or $97/yr

The Membership includes access to all upcoming LIVE Zoom...

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