
A41: The 6th House: Health, Service, Routines 6th house dinacharya health quietmind astrology podcast sadhana seva

The Vedas are the oldest known written text by humans - and the source of Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga - I'm hosting a workshop all about how to deepen your yoga practice - wether you want to be a teacher or not - called 3 Mindset Shifts to Build Confidence in Teaching Yoga. You can...

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Sept 2019 Vedic Astrology Horoscope horoscope quietmind astrology podcast


Major transits this month. Saturn going direct, several planets moving into Virgo, and the Fall Equinox - what does it all mean for you? And how can you make the most of these energies and avoid slipping into being cynical and critical this month? I will share all of this in today's...
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A40: The 5th House: Creativity, Children, Speculative Gains 5th house creativity quietmind astrology podcast

The Vedas are the origin of both Vedic Astrology and Yoga. If you want to learn yoga from the Vedas, to mediation, to postures, anatomy and everything to go from student to teacher, check out the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training at - registration is open for a...
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A39: The 4th House: Home, Mother, Family 4th house home quietmind astrology podcast

What is your relationship with your home? Or your mother? Or your family? I'll share how the 4th House of your chart can help you understand these areas in your birth chart and in transits. Want to know your birth chart and what is transiting your chart right now? Schedule a reading at ...

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A38: The 3rd House: Communication, Subconscious, Willpower 3rd house communication quietmind astrology podcast subconscious willpower

Follow along with the free guide at
Have you ever wanted to start a habit but felt stuck and unable to get momentum? Or tried to break a habit, only to fall into old patterns? The third house can help you understand why that is happening. 
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August 2019 Horoscope horoscope quietmind astrology podcast

This month we have:
Mercury Direct
Jupiter Direct
Mars in Leo
Saturn going direct soon!
Want to know how this effects you personally?
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A36: The 2nd House: Wealth, Family, Voice, Siblings 2nd house family houses quietmind astrology podcast wealth

Will you receive an inheritance? What karmas do you have from your childhood to work through as an adult? The 2nd house can help you understand these things. While the first house represents you, your body, your appearance and why you were born, the second house represents what you are born...
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A35: The 1st House - Your Rising Sign, Body and Personality 1st house dharma houses quietmind astrology podcast

We are all born for a reason, the first house of your birth chart gives you a clue as to the purpose of your life and is one of the three Dharma houses. It also helps you understand your body, your appearance and your personality. Learn all about the first house in today's episode!
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A34: Intro to The 12 Houses of Vedic Astrology houses quietmind astrology podcast vedic astrology

If you know the 12 signs of the zodiac, you have a good foundation for learning the 12 houses of Vedic Astrology. In this new season I will go in-depth about each of the 12 houses and help you apply these teachings to your life. For example, for me, I am currently learning to put more attention...
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July 2019 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse, A Major Transit & 3 Retrograde Planets horoscope quietmind astrology podcast vedic astrology

This month in our Vedic Astrology horoscope we have a solar eclipse happening that's going to set the stage for the next six months. We have a major transit of an outer body planet that's going to have an effect for the next five years. And we have three retrograde planets this month. So...

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