
Y113: Meditation For Grounding and Centering (Great For Beginners) beginner centering grounding meditation

I hope you are well and safe. Today’s episode is a grounding and centering practice to support you in regulating your nervous system during this uncertain time we are all experiencing with the unfortunate spread of Covid-19.

From an Ayurvedic perspective we are experiencing a significant...

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Y82: Slow Vinyasa For Grounding And Recharging - Emphasis On Hips grounding hips quietmind yoga podcast recharge vinyasa

If you've had a day where you are "go, go, go" and putting your attention in several directions this is increasing the Vata Dosha, the air element. Repeated over time, this leads to an excess of Vata Dosha which shows up as anxiety, worry, fear, dryness, itchiness, digestive distress, IBS, cold...

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