FB2: Ayurveda Tips to Sooth Summer Stress or... "What happens if you eat way too much ice cream :("
Jul 01, 2019Welcome to Quietmind Monday!
Today's topic is: "Ayurveda Tips to Soothe Summer Stress."
"What happens when you eat WAY TOO MUCH ice cream?" (I did the research so you don't have to......)
July is the month we feel the summer heat at it's strongest (in the US). This can easily lead to a Pitta (Fire) imbalance. This shows up as burn out, inflammation, irritability, sweating during sleep and even little things like getting HANGRY.
I'll share some of my favorite Summer Ayurveda tips and some of the major mistakes i've made to learn these lessons (!)
Next week will be all about the ancient indian practice of Tapas, a precursor to modern yoga, and how we can apply it to improving our habits, sleep, diet, and really all areas of life. Next Monday at 3pm CST!
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