Say This To Immediately improve Your Yoga Cues

cueing teachers teaching Apr 30, 2021

Want to be the best yoga teacher you can be? Yesterday I shared 6 common cueing mistakes that teachers make. Today I share what you can do instead. These are some of the best lessons I’ve learned from teaching 5000+ classes over 10 years so you can learn from my experience and apply it immediately to your teaching.

Hear my suggestions on the new Yoga Teacher Training podcast (above) including:

  • Passive vs active teaching
  • What is trauma informed teaching?
  • What to do if you’re teaching too fast?
  • Should you practice while teaching?
  • How do you center yourself before teaching?
  • What can you do if you feel self conscious?

This is based on what I am teaching in the Cue With Confidence course on May 15th. Get the details and register here. Save $20 if you register by midnight today. Once you enroll I’ll add you to our private “Cue With Confidence” Facebook group where I am answering your cueing questions leading up to the live event. 

Cue With Confidence
Saturday May 15: Noon to 2:30pm CST
Promo code:
YTTPOD for $20 off until Apr 30
Access to recording after the event
Counts towards Quietmind Yoga 300hr Certification

Thanks for listening!
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