TT5: Which phase are you in?

3 phases learning yoga teacher training yoga teacher training podcast Aug 14, 2019

Since I began teaching in 2011 I have noticed there is a pattern to how I have learned over the years. Once I noticed this pattern I asked other experienced teachers if they noticed it too. They did! I began applying it to how I learned going forward and it has helepd my practice stay interesting, engaging and evolving every year since.

PHASE 1: Study the Fundamentals: You've likely heard "you don't know what you don't know." This is where you start. With a beginners mind, curious and open to new possibiliteis. Maybe you feel this way about anatomy, asana or breathwork. This is the time to find a mentor, learn the mindset, and see the big picture. Explore for a while, then decide where to dig deeper in phase 2,

PHASE 2: Deepen Your Practice: Now that you have the basics down, you start thinking "Ok, i get it," but only intellectually. it takes lots of practice and repittion to myelinate your brain and build mind-muscle connection. In this phase you start having realizations, new perspectives. Satchidananda said "stop digging shallow wells, you have to dig deep to reach water." That is phase 2.

Learn more and get your FREE GUIDE that walks you through each step at



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