Y129: Guided Meditation for Non-Grasping (Aparigraha / The 8 Limbs of Yoga)

8 limbs of yoga guided meditation Aug 16, 2020

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One of my teachers would say "the way to measure your yoga progress is not by how flexible you are or how many poses you can do but by how well you can relinquish."

How well can you adapt when things go wrong?

How soon can you notice if you have reacted to someone else, and choose a new more intentional way to respond?

Another one of my teachers would say that "yoga is really about preparing to die --- to let go of any attachments we have in this lifetime." 

These teachings are core to the yoga philosophy established between 1750 BCE - 200 CE. Aparigraha is one of the primary practices of healthy non-attachment. 

In this meditation I will share ways we can practice this form of non-attachment. 

Thank you for listening!

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