
Y86: Gentle Hatha For Immune System Health gentle yoga immune system quietmind yoga podcast

Want to, learn everything I have to teach about yoga? Styles, postures, breath work, mudras, mantras, philosophy, history, anatomy, yoga business -all of it is in the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training. Doors open 9/9/19 and you check it out at - if you're listening to...

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A40: The 5th House: Creativity, Children, Speculative Gains 5th house creativity quietmind astrology podcast

The Vedas are the origin of both Vedic Astrology and Yoga. If you want to learn yoga from the Vedas, to mediation, to postures, anatomy and everything to go from student to teacher, check out the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training at - registration is open for a...
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Y85: Beginners Vinyasa For Upper Back + Pranayama beginners pranayama quietmind yoga podcast upper back vinyasa

Today's practice is a full body well-rounded practice as always. We'll do some strengthening, stretching, and balance. And will emphasize working with the upper back and doing some pranayama practice at the end. If you enjoy this podcast leave a review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen.

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TT6: What Was The First Written Use of The Word Yoga? upanishads yoga history yoga philosophy yoga teacher training podcast

In modern discussion of yoga there is a lot of conflict about what is or isn't yoga. Now we have so many permutations, and so many people claiming their yoga is more authentic, who should we listen to?
In this podcast I will go all the way back to the oldest written mention of the word...
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A39: The 4th House: Home, Mother, Family 4th house home quietmind astrology podcast

What is your relationship with your home? Or your mother? Or your family? I'll share how the 4th House of your chart can help you understand these areas in your birth chart and in transits. Want to know your birth chart and what is transiting your chart right now? Schedule a reading at ...

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Y84: Hatha For Heart Opening And Back Strengthening back hatha yoga heart opening quietmind yoga podcast strengthening

If you're like many people you spend a lot of time in a certain spinal position, often without even realizing. 
This causes a specific imbalance that leads to stiff necks, stiff upper backs, low back pain, weak upper body, and eventually even a hunchback posture. This is...
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A38: The 3rd House: Communication, Subconscious, Willpower 3rd house communication quietmind astrology podcast subconscious willpower

Follow along with the free guide at
Have you ever wanted to start a habit but felt stuck and unable to get momentum? Or tried to break a habit, only to fall into old patterns? The third house can help you understand why that is happening. 
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TT5: Which phase are you in? 3 phases learning yoga teacher training yoga teacher training podcast

Since I began teaching in 2011 I have noticed there is a pattern to how I have learned over the years. Once I noticed this pattern I asked other experienced teachers if they noticed it too. They did! I began applying it to how I learned going forward and it has helepd my practice stay...

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TT4: A New Approach to Yoga 10 core competencies self assessment yoga teacher training podcast

You may have noticed there are a lot of great teachings, books, and teachers out there, but not much guidance on how it all fits together. To me, knowing how all the things I'm learning fit together is one of the most important parts of learning. So I set out to create a structure for how we...

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Y83: Gentle Yoga For Fascia Release fascia gentle yoga quietmind yoga podcast

Fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses and separates muscles and other internal organs. 

One way to think of the fascia is like scaffolding in the body. It has a relative strength of steel, yet is...

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August 2019 Horoscope horoscope quietmind astrology podcast

This month we have:
Mercury Direct
Jupiter Direct
Mars in Leo
Saturn going direct soon!
Want to know how this effects you personally?
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TT3: 5 Aspects of a Consistent Practice consistency practice yoga teacher training podcast

Like anything, the more consistent your practice becomes, the more significant results you'll see: increased flexibility, strength, balance and equanimity of mind. Many of the advanced poses will come as a side effect of regular practice. Many of the day-to-day benefits of feeling less stressed...

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